Mixers & Shakers
Fluid Management has years of experience developing long-lasting mixers and shakers that fill every need, volume, space, and application. They’re rugged, long-lasting, and hard-working. Our 1-gallon to 5-gallon mixers & shakers are designed to meet every space constraint and budget.
GA350 Manual Mixer
- Best for medium and high volume paint turnover
- Gyroscopic Mixing
- Pints to 5 Gallon Gyroscopic Mixer
- Intuitive Design and Fast
- Ergonomic
- 1-gallon vortex mixer
- Use: 1-gallon
- Adapts to Handle Quarts and Pints
- Vortex Mixing
- Small Footprint
5G-HD Harbil 5-Gallon Shaker
- Heavy-duty shaker for commercial use
- Use: 1-gallon/5-gallon/case
- Handles from Quarts to 5-Gallon Containers
- Heavy-Duty Design
- Improved Stability and Reduced Noise
GX300 Mixer (only available in Latin America)
- Medium and high volume paint turnover
- Automatic, dedicated control
- Max. product weight: 89 lbs
- Variable speed (slow start), between 230 and 100 rpm, dynamic balance